What's a Products Link?
A "products" link is an API URL through which a full list of available products (or titles) in a library or retail digital collection can be returned. Searches can then be performed based on the products link that allow you to find something specific or filter and sort lists.
Let's say that you want to design an app that displays a library's digital collection and allows users to search for specific titles. The products response contains hypermedia links that lead to more information, like detailed metadata or library availability, that you'll be able to use to send your users where they want to go.
To do all that, you'll need a products link. You get this from the Library Account API in the JSON response.
Remember, there three different kinds of products links
- Standard: returns a base digital collection.
- Advantage (library only): returns a collection of Advantage titles.
- Both (library only): returns a collection that includes base consortium and advantage titles for a specific library.
Here's what you can do with a products link
- Get the products link from the Library Account API. For example:
Note: If you want to include a library's Advantage titles, make sure you use an advantageAccount products link. - You can now use the products link to access the Search API to find titles.
- For magazines, you can use the products link to access the Magazine Issues API and get a list of back issues.
https://api.overdrive.com/v1/collections/v1L1BnAUAAA2n/products/{product ID}/issues
- Use the Metadata link from the search response to access the Metadata API on a specific title to get details on it.
https://api.overdrive.com/v1/collections/v1L1BnAUAAA2n/products/{product ID}/metadata
- Use the Availability link from the search response to access the Library Availability API on a specific title to see if a user can check it out.
https://api.overdrive.com/v1/collections/v1L1BnAUAAA2n/products/{product ID}/availability