03-SEP-2020 - OverDrive to Launch a New "Metered Access" Lending Model
Later this month, we’re adding a new Metered Access (MA) lending model called MA: by checkout (concurrent users). Each unit of a title in this lending model has a fixed number of checkouts (e.g., 100 checkouts). However, unlike other MA titles, multiple users can borrow them concurrently until the checkouts run out.
MA: by checkout (concurrent users) titles won’t be distinguished from other titles in the collection, so you won’t need to make any changes to support them in your OverDrive integration.
In the collection, the number of copies shown for these titles will be the same as the number of checkouts remaining. Each time a checkout is used, the number of copies will decrease. If the library purchases multiple units, the number of checkouts that can be used is summed.
If you have any questions or concerns about the new lending model, please submit them to our support team through the Developer Portal.
The OverDrive API team