OverDrive Developers

12-JUL-2023 - Recent updates for OverDrive APIs

Tags: curated lists, audioboook, bisac, read-along, kanopy, enabled platforms, library account, metadata

Dear OverDrive API partner,

We’re happy to announce some recent updates we’ve made to our public APIs. These changes align with functionality offered in our client apps and enhance the capabilities for vendor partners when integrating with OverDrive APIs.

Library Account API

The library account response now includes the following information:

  • Enabled platforms. This parameter returns which platform the customer uses (e.g., Libby or Sora) so you know how to refer to us in your catalog or app.
  • Curated lists. This response shows all curated lists created by a library partner so they can be displayed in your product. You can also call our Search API to retrieve all titles in a curated list.
  • Kanopy subscription. This endpoint tells you whether the library partner has an active Kanopy subscription. The response includes a link to the library’s Kanopy URL.

Metadata API

The metadata response now includes the following information:

  • Audiobook length. You can use this information for filtering and faceting in your product.
  • Read-along titles. You can now identify read-along titles so you can enable searching and faceting by this type of title.
  • BISAC information. You can now see BISAC codes and descriptions for titles in the customer’s collection.

You can see our documentation for these updates and our public APIs on developer.overdrive.com

Please reach out to our support team through the Developer Portal with any questions or concerns.

As always, thanks for being an OverDrive API partner,

The OverDrive API Team