OverDrive Developers

Added fields - OverDrive Search and Metadata APIs - 01-JUNE-2017

OverDrive API partners,

We've made a recent update to the Search and Metadata APIs to include several parameters that you've asked for.

The Search API has added new query parameters: identifiers (like ASIN and digital ISBN) and crossRefId (used to construct URLs for new OverDrive websites and overdrive.com). Searching by an identifier or crossRefId should yield one result, since those fields are unique to each title.

The Metadata API has added otherFormatIdentifiers to the response, which will provide a title's non-digital identifiers, like its print ISBN. Not every title will have otherFormatIdentifiers.

Additionally, a Search API response may also include otherFormatIdentifiers (when available). Similar to the metadata response, not every title will have this item in the response. Please note that you cannot search by otherFormatIdentifiers; they are simply included in the response for your reference.

The Search API page has been updated to add these new parameters.

Thanks for being an OverDrive API partner,

-The OverDrive API Team