OverDrive Developers

Availability API v2 (New Version)

Tags: availability, advantageAccounts, advantage

OverDrive API Partners,

We have released updates to our Library Availability API to improve availability information and better support the sharing of copies between related accounts (consortia and member libraries [i.e., Advantage Accounts]). In order to support our partners currently using the availability API, we are releasing these changes on a new version of the Library Availability API endpoint (version 2).

The new version of the Library Availability API (v2) will be available in our integration and production environments starting today, and we've updated our documentation on the "Library Availability" page of the Developer Portal.

At this time, we expect to continue support for Library Availability v1, but because the new version provides the most accurate and current information on availability, we encourage all of our partners to move to the new version as soon as possible.

Below is a summary of the changes.

Constructing requests:

  • In the GET request, use /v2/ instead of /v1/.
  • Search for a product by either its titleId (also referred to as crossRefId in other documentation) or reserveId. Whatever you enter in your request is what you'll see in the response.

Getting responses:

  • We've added a new "shared" field to the response. When shared is set to true, an Advantage library has shared its private copies of the title with the consortium and other member libraries. You can read more about this new feature in the section on "Shared Titles" in the new Library Availability API documentation.
  • We've updated the id field in the response to say either reserveId or titleId based on what you entered in the request.
  • We've renamed the "collections" section of a response to "accounts."
  • Under the newly dubbed "accounts" section, we've removed holds information.

If you have any questions or concerns about the updated endpoint, please submit them to our support team through the Developer Portal.

Thanks for being an OverDrive API Partner.

-The OverDrive API Team