OverDrive Developers

NEW Holds Features - Suspend and AutoCheckout - 26-MAY-2015

Tags: suspend, hold, Suspend-a-hold, auto checkout, ignoreholdemail

OverDrive API Partners,

Did you know the OverDrive Holds API can automatically borrow an item for a user once they reach the front of the line? Just use the autoCheckout parameter when placing the hold. And by using the ignoreHoldEmail parameter, the user can place a hold without providng an email address or requesting a notification of the "auto checkout."

Also, you can allow users to suspend their hold requests without losing their place in line by using the suspensionType parameter.

It's all easy to implement within your application. Find more information about the new features described above at the OverDrive Holds API page.

Thanks for your continued partnership.

-The OverDrive API Team