OverDrive Developers

OverDrive Logos

The OverDrive logo may be presented as blue on white, white on blue (PMS 289 or hex#002B5C), or black on white (if required as B/W). It includes the registration symbol "®." For proper placement and size recommendations, please refer to our guidelines or contact the OverDrive Marketing Department.

OverDrive "O+Name" Logo

56 x 56 pixels, jpg

This logo contains the OverDrive name and OverDrive's recognizable "O." Use for identifying OverDrive as the source of a record, file, or format.

OverDrive "O" Logo

42 x 42 pixels, jpg

This logo contains OverDrive's recognizable "O." Use for identifying OverDrive as the source of a record, file, or format.

OverDrive "O" Logo

28 x 28 pixels, jpg

This smaller logo contains OverDrive's recognizable "O." Use for identifying OverDrive as the source of a record, file, or format.

OverDrive "Blue Name" Logo

445 x 65 pixels, jpg, png

This logo contains the OverDrive name in blue. Use for identifying OverDrive, links to our sites, or for general reference to OverDrive's applications and services.

OverDrive "Black Name" Logo

445 x 65 pixels, jpg, png

This logo contains the OverDrive name in black. Use for identifying OverDrive, links to our sites, or for general reference to OverDrive's applications and services.

OverDrive "White Name" Logo

1866 x 271 pixels, png

This logo contains the OverDrive name in white. Use for identifying OverDrive, links to our sites, or for general reference to OverDrive's applications and services.

OverDrive "Get the App" Image

300 x 250 pixels, jpg

This image represents the branding used for the OverDrive app. The OverDrive app is required to consume most of OverDrive's content offerings (eBooks, audioBooks, and videos). Use this to direct users to download the OverDrive app at https://app.overdrive.com or their device's app store.

OverDrive "Get the App" Image

300 x 250 pixels, jpg

This image represents the branding used for the OverDrive app. The OverDrive app is required to consume most of OverDrive's content offerings (eBooks, audioBooks, and videos). Use this to direct users to download the OverDrive app at https://app.overdrive.com or their device's app store.

OverDrive "Get the App" Image

300 x 250 pixels, jpg

This image represents the branding used for the OverDrive app. The OverDrive app is required to consume most of OverDrive's content offerings (eBooks, audioBooks, and videos). Use this to direct users to download the OverDrive app at https://app.overdrive.com or their device's app store.

OverDrive "Get the App" Image

300 x 250 pixels, jpg

This image represents the branding used for the OverDrive app. The OverDrive app is required to consume most of OverDrive's content offerings (eBooks, audioBooks, and videos). Use this to direct users to download the OverDrive app at https://app.overdrive.com or their device's app store.

OverDrive “Enjoy Category” Icon, audiobooks

137 x 58 pixels, jpg

This image can be used to direct users to the entire audiobook catalog from OverDrive.

OverDrive “Enjoy Category” Icon, eBooks

137 x 58 pixels, jpg

This image can be used to direct users to the entire eBook catalog from OverDrive.

OverDrive “Enjoy Category” Icon, video

137 x 58 pixels, jpg

This image can be used to direct users to the entire video catalog from OverDrive.

OverDrive “Category” Icon, audiobooks

62 x 62 pixels, jpg

This icon represents branding that identifies audiobooks from OverDrive. Use this to identify pages, searches, collections, or individual audiobooks from OverDrive.

OverDrive “Category” Icon, eBooks

62 x 62 pixels, jpg

This icon represents branding that identifies eBooks from OverDrive. Use this to identify pages, searches, collections, or individual eBooks  from OverDrive.

OverDrive “Category” Icon, video

62 x 62 pixels, jpg

This icon represents branding that identifies video from OverDrive. Use this to identify pages, searches, collections, or individual videos from OverDrive.


All Files

A zip archive of all the logos on this page in various formats.